What is Postcard Co-Op?

At Postcard Co-Op & Prinitng we focus on neighborhoods in your town where your customers and potential customers live. We gather a small group of businesses who would like to reach those people, then create a full color postcard to let people know how you can serve them or what products you are offering.

Our focus is on towns in and around Colorado, at least for now. But we can offer our printing services anywhere in the USA.

You can watch this video to learn and see the different size postcards that we offer and how the 9×12 postcard co-op works.

You may want to meet me, Jimmy, the owner of Postcard Co-Op & Printing via a 1-minute video. Click Here

See our BLOGPostcard Central at the TAB above.

See the variety of postcards on this short video…

Do Postcards Really work?

Rack Card image asking, "Is your business prepared for Billboard Exposure without spending thousands? Then a list of the benefits and a picture of a postcard co-op mailer.
The back side of the Rack Card asking, Still looking for more proof why postcards are wildly successful compared to other media? Then it lists forms of media and why postcards are better.

Why Send a Postcard via the Post Office?

That’s a good question, and the simple answer is this:

Why not? Okay, maybe that’s oversimplified, so let’s dig in.

In the age of digital marketing and every one going online, why would I use the USPS? The truth is that everyone uses online options, ads galore litter webpages like, news articles, shopping pages, recipe sites, search results, and just about everywhere. You might call it information overload.

The mailbox is nowhere close to being full anymore. Yes, there are seasons when we get catalogs, fliers, and other ad material, but our giant 9-inch by 12-inch glossy full-color postcard will stand out.

Do you know one of the biggest online businesses, Google, uses postcards to reach businesses? They sure do because it works! And they know it.

The power of direct marketing is at an all-time high right now. Mailing can be expensive, and that is why with a co-op, you split the cost with other businesses in your area to reach your audience. Leverage the power of co-op advertising to your advantage.

We believe in Shop Local – Buy Local. Even though people are online, they still like doing business with local merchants. They may just need a reminder that you are there.

Google Satellite map image of a neighborhood showing a multitude of houses.  A typical area we mail our Postcard Co-Op Mailers.
Imagine reaching thousands of potential customers right in your neighborhood…

What Now?

If you are interested in joining a postcard mailing, let us know so we can plan or let you know when we will be mailing in your town or neighborhood.

Contact Jimmy at Postcard Co-Op & Printing today!

Are you looking for Online Marketing Services?

Postcards work great, especially in smaller towns and markets. But if you are looking to the World Wide Web more commonly known as the Internet, see the Digital Marketing side of our advertising and marketing business.

It is called JBL Action Marketing and you can find our services here: JBLActionMarketing.com.